Monday, August 27, 2007

Johnny totally forgets about his blog. (Also Johnny likes to talk in third person.)

Ok, Ok, I know I've only made one post this week and it was posted only a few hours before class but I have a very, very good reason of why I haven’t been updating, which I can't tell you under new law that was just passed a few seconds ago. Anyway here's a quick update on what's going down with my Machinima.

* My story board animation should be done by today, it wont look pretty but it doesn't need to.
* My 3D model of Xwesome needs to be done by Friday. I'm trying to get a copy 3D max so I work on it at home.
* I might be able to work on my records on Friday.
* I'm working on prologue comic to go with my Machinima, you'll be able to read it here once it's done.
*I'm also working on a poster for my Machinima, which I plan on cunning sneaking into our second life project.

Loads of stuff next week, I promise, maybe.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Johnny needs to make up some bullshit to meet the 2 post a week deadline.

Hey folks, I got half an hour before I go to class, so I make this quick. I've been on the storyboards and cut out from for the demo animation that were making to show what the finish movie will look like. I'd show you what they look like, but I've miss placed them.

Next week, I'll scan some up and maybe I'll have another comic showing more of the every day life of Xwesome and Newman if you're good.

In the meantime re-read my script extact. It's funny and has gramma errors.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Script is done.

Another week, another bunch of posts I need to make up late at night. Tonight order of business is that the script is done, so we're now getting some where. Because I such an awesome chappie, I'm willing to give you a sneak peck of scene from the Machinima.

Just for reference, dialogue with N next to them are Newman's and Xwesome's lines are the ones with X's next to them.

X: Newman! Where is everyone? This is a war. Wars are meant to be packed full of people. People with the big, big thirst for mango juice.

N: I think they’re all dead.

X: What? That should have drunk more mango juice. It has vitamins and stuff.

N: No, I mean both sides kill each already, whole bunch drops got drop here before we got here, that tends to happen in wars.

X: Oh really? Well, thank you because clearly I don’t know a thing about war because I’m an idiot. Get back to work!

N: What work? No one’s left. Even the city’s been bombed to rubble.

X: Then unbomb it.

N: That’s impossible.

X: With that attitude it is.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Xwesome's Head.

Here's a part of Xwesome's 3D model I've been working on in 3D class. The complete model will hopefuly be finished by friday.

Status of the script.

Seeing as how the script is due on Friday, I've been working on it today. I'm just writing small bits of dialogue that jump into my head at the moment, which will hopfully lead to a script. I hope to get all done before wedensday, so I can use my day off to work on the story boards.